Six points for attention in stainless steel pipe installation

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Six points for attention in stainless steel pipe installation

2020-06-18 H:57:20

1. Design according to factors such as ditch soil quality, groundwater, trench section, load conditions, etc. It is required to be firm reliable to prevent collapse, the support shall obstruct the downpipe stable pipe.

2. Support pier shall be set at the turning point in vertical horizontal direction of T-joint pipe. The size of the pier should be calculated determined according to the pipe diameter, rotation angle, working pressure other factors.

3. After the pipeline is installed the pressure test is qualified, the pipeline should be washed with low chloride ion water disinfected with 0.03% potassium permanganate.

4. The external anti-corrosion coating of stainless steel shall be galvanized epoxy asphalt coating higher coating according to the soil condition of pipeline laying site.

5. As long as the stainless steel wire connected through the socket, the pier can only be set after calculation.

6. When transporting drinking water, the pipeline should pass through the toxic area, protective measures should be taken if necessary.

When installing stainless steel pipes, attention should be paid to the installation of ditch soil, groundwater, grooving section, load conditions other factors. in order to maintain the service life of stainless steel pipe, everyone should pay attention to cleaning with low chloride ion water disinfecting with 0.03% potassium permanganate.

Stainless steel pipe
